The value of the leukocytes phagocytic activity in the blood for the pathogenesis of the experimental allergic alveolitis in conditions of the adrenalin myocardial injury and correction of their violations by Tiotriazolini
the experimental allergic alveolitis, adrenalin myocardial injury, leukocytes phagocytic activity, phagocytic index, phagocytic number, tiotriazolini.Abstract
Regeda M., Pyndus V. Значення фагоцитарної активності лейкоцитів у крові для патогенезу експериментального алергічного альвеоліту в умовах адреналінового пошкодження міокарда та корекція їх порушень Тіотриазоліном = The value of the leukocytes phagocytic activity in the blood for the pathogenesis of the experimental allergic alveolitis in conditions of the adrenalin myocardial injury and correction of their violations by Tiotriazolini. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(3):289-293. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.16454
Formerly Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. Archives 2011 – 2014
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Received: 20.01.2014. Revised 27.02.2015. Accepted: 12.03.2015.
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Значення фагоцитарної активності лейкоцитів у крові для патогенезу експериментального алергічного альвеоліту в умовах адреналінового пошкодження міокарда та корекція їх порушень тіотриазоліном
The value of the leukocytes phagocytic activity in the blood for the pathogenesis of the experimental allergic alveolitis in conditions of the adrenalin myocardial injury and correction of their violations by tiotriazolini
М. С. Регеда, В. Б. Пиндус
M. Regeda, V. Pyndus
Львівський національний медичний університет ім. Данила Галицького
м. Львів, Україна
Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
Lviv, Ukraine
Doctors are quite often faced with various combination of diseases; including there are cases of the allergic alveolitis that have been developed in the conditions of coronary heart disease.
The question, concerning violations features of leukocytes phagocytic activity in blood and their role in pathogenesis of allergic alveolitis development against the adrenalin myocardial injury before and after application of the antioxidants has not been studied till now.
Research objective was to find out changes of the leukocytes phagocytic activity in blood in dynamics of formation of the experimental allergic alveolitis and adrenalin myocardial injury, as well as to determine the influence of the tiotriazolini preparation on them.
Experiments were carried out on 68 guinea pigs, which were divided into six groups. The first – control, the second, third, fourth and fifth groups – animals with the experimental allergic alveolitis and adrenalin myocardial injury respectively on the first, seventh, fourteenth and twenty fourth days of experiment. The sixth group – guinea pigs after application of the tiotriazolini, which was inserted intramuscularly once a day in a dose of 100 mg per1 kgof weight within 10 days (from 14 to 24 days).
The gradual increase of level of the phagocytic index and phagocytic number in blood of animals in the 1st, 7th, 14th and 24th days of experimental allergic alveolitis development in the conditions of adrenalin myocardial injury has been determined during experiment. Application of the tiotriazolini caused corrective action on the specified indicators downwards.
Thus, the conducted researches of indicators of the phagocytic index and phagocytic number in blood made it possible to study features of changes and to define an important role of leukocytes phagocytic activity in pathogenesis of experimental allergic alveolitis and adrenalin myocardial injury, as well as the positive correcting action of tiotriazolini on the specified markers has been established.
Keywords: the experimental allergic alveolitis, adrenalin myocardial injury, leukocytes phagocytic activity, phagocytic index, phagocytic number, tiotriazolini.
Ключові слова: експериментальний алергічний альвеоліт, адреналінове пошкодження міокарда, фагоцитарна активність лейкоцитів, фагоцитарний індекс, фагоцитарне число, тіотриазолін.
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