Assessment of quality of life after the DIAM TM spinal stabilization system
quality of life, DIAM, spinal stabilizationAbstract
Chantsoulis Marzena, Sipko Tomasz, Wójtowicz Dorota, Pawik Łukasz, Dębiec-Bąk Agnieszka, Wołoszyn Daria, Skrzek Anna. Assessment of quality of life after the DIAMTM spinal stabilization system. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(10):279-288. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI
The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).
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Received: 02.10.2016. Revised 02.10.2016. Accepted: 20.10.2016.
Assessment of quality of life after the DIAMTM spinal stabilization system
Marzena Chantsoulis1,2, Tomasz Sipko1, Dorota Wójtowicz1, Łukasz Pawik*1, Agnieszka Dębiec-Bąk1, Daria Wołoszyn3, Anna Skrzek1
1 Academy of Physical Education, Wrocław, Poland
2 4th Military Hospital, Wrocław, Poland
3Wroclaw Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Center, Fryderyka Chopina 5, 51-609 Wrocław,
Marzena Chantsoulis,
4th Military Hospital with Policlinic, Neurosurgery Department, ul. Weigla 5, 50-981 Wroclaw, Poland
Academy of Physical Education, ul. I. Paderewskiego 35, 51-612 Wroclaw, Poland , +48 71 347 30 76.
Tomasz Sipko, Academy of Physical Education, Wrocław, Al. Paderewskiego 35, 51-612 Wrocław, , +48 71 347 30 84.
Dorota Wójtowicz, Academy of Physical Education, Wrocław, Al. Paderewskiego 35, 51-612 Wrocław, , +48 71 347 30 76.
* Łukasz Pawik, Academy of Physical Education, Wrocław, Al. Ignacego Paderewskiego 35, 51-612 Wrocław, , +48 71 347 30 76.
Agnieszka Dębiec-Bąk, Academy of Physical Education, Wrocław, Al. Ignacego Paderewskiego 35, 51-612 Wrocław, , +48 71 347 30 76.
Daria Wołoszyn, Wroclaw Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Center, Fryderyka Chopina 5, 51-609 Wrocław,, +48 71 372 94 05.
Anna Skrzek, Academy of Physical Education, Wrocław, Al. Ignacego Paderewskiego 35, 51-612 Wrocław , +48 71 347 30 76.
Assessment of quality of life after the DIAMTM spinal stabilization system
Purpose. The Device for Intervertebral Assisted Motion (DIAM™) is a method that has been recently applied for the operative treatment of low back pain. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life in patients with low back pain during the course of a single-level discopathy performed using the DIAM™ system, who previously had not undergone any surgical procedure within the lumbar spine.
Methods. The study group consisted of 23 selected patients (15 women and 8 men) with
a mean age of 47 years. All subjects underwent single-level fenestration with discectomy and DIAM™ system implantation. The level of pain and disability at rest and movement were evaluated at baseline (pre-surgery) and at 6 months after surgery. All patients underwent a post-operative rehabilitation programme. Patients were evaluated using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) –pain’s level at rest and movement, a modified Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and the Melzack Pain Questionnaire (MPQ).
Results. Pain’s level reduction was observed in 78% of patients at rest and in 88% of patients at movement. 79% of patients presented an improvement in their ODI score, but disability still persisted in pain intensity and during lifting. All MPQ indicators also improved, but mostly in the psychological dimensions of pain.
Conclusions. It was found that during the 6 months following a single-level DIAM™ implantation a greater decrease in pain at rest than at movement was recorded.
Key words: quality of life, DIAMTM, spinal stabilization
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