„Misja cywilizacyjna” Belgów w Kongu
Belgia, KongoAbstract
When Leopold II ruled over Congo it became the place of unbelievable political terror, cruelty and untold crimes. The king was interested in this vast area only because of its huge natural sources. To got hold of them he forced natives to slave labour using only brutal methods, intimidation, terrorism and breaking human rights. His authoritarian regime was criticized, so the Belgian government decided in 1908 to take control over Congo. They annexed the colony and since that it was called Belgian Congo. For years the colony was intensively exploited by Belgium. The colonist brought minerals, gum, palm oil, ivory and first of all diamonds. Finally, in 1960 after the African revolution, Congo became independent country.The heritage of colonialism was the course of Africa. The rule of white people in Congo based on traditional local structures, what made the communication with natives much easier. It based also on racial segregation and finally on authoritarianism being under the influence of paternalism.
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