Polityka wschodnia Unii Europejskiej w okresie prezydencji czeskiej (styczeń–czerwiec 2009)
Unia Europejska, prezydencja, Republika CzeskaAbstract
Eastern policy of European Union during the Czech presidency (jan-jun 2009)
This article analyzes politics of European Union towards Eastern European countries during Czech presidency. At this period EU was more interest in Eastern Europę. Although it wasn’t a result of planned EU politics, but a conseąuence of double crisis: armed conflictbetween Georgia and Russia and the gas dispute between Russia and Ukrainę. In the time of Czech presidency the agreement on the project of Eastern Partnership had been reached,butwe can notregard thatitchanged the politics towards the post-soviet neighbours. Czech presidency, a had paid attention to the Eastern Europę. Nevertheless it didn’t change the most important - eastern politics of EU didn’tbecome a priority in EU foreign policy. The Community hasn’tstill realise the scalę of problems which countries in this region are suffering. However we can notblame Czech Republic for that fact. The effects of Czech presidency in Eastern politics can be regarded as a reflect of possibilities and involvement of EU as a whole.
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