Tworzenie zrębów polityki zagranicznej pierwszej „Solidarności” wobec Zachodu
Solidarność, myśl polityczna, koncepcje polityki zagranicznejAbstract
Creating grounds for foreign policy of the fi rst “Solidarity”
The article presents the way in which the famous "Solidarity” movement was laying grounds for its activities abroad. Since the beginning of its existence it attracted attention and curiosity of the world. It came into relations with many western labor movements, who supported it in all different manners.
"Solidarity” members had to deal with a number of problems in order to cooperate with their foreign counterparts. Trying to run its own foreign politics was not an easy task given the geopolitical situation. Nevertheless, starting with gathering special teams, through organizing a Foreign Department and ending up with publishing a set of a certain rules and guidelines, the movement was preparing itself for entering the International arena with its own visions and ideas.
The movements' goals much exceeded Poland's borders. "Solidarity” delcared to fight for law, peace and justice in all states of the world. Trying not to push the line with the Poland's authorities too far, itmade an attemptto be active in the labor world on both sides of the Iron Curtain. By the end of 1981 the movement could already present its successes in this field. The martial law forced "Solidarity” underground, however, it did not manage to destroy its achievements regarding foreign contacts.
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