Distribution of the azulene-containing and azulene-less forms of Achillea L. in the Czech Republic
Achillea L., azulene-containing milfoils, azulene-less milfoils, chemotaxonomy, plant geographyAbstract
The paper is a continuation of the author’s studies on the genus Achillea L. in Silesia. The present analysis for azulene content (Stahl’s EP reagent) included more than 9600 milfoil plants collected by the author in 2001-2002 in 420 Czech localities and more than 980 plants from 121 localities, from collections of Czech botanists (J. Danihelka, K. Karlova, S. Špinarová). Azulene-containing milfoils were found to occur in the eastern part of the Czech Republic: this is an extension of the distribution area of such milfoils in eastern Silesia. The Silesian azulene-containing forms are probably a result of dispersal from the south.
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