Archivists without Frontiers: 20 years of the activity for the preservation of the international documentary heritage
Archivists without Frontiers, international cooperation of archivists, non-governmental organizations, public benefit organizationsAbstract
Aim: The aim of the article is to present the activity of Archivists without Frontiers set up in Catalonia in 1998. The following paragraphs discuss the history of the association, its structure, method of operation and examples of initiatives in which the organization was involved. Due to the wide range of projects undertaken, the article only describes selected issues that allow us to see the wide scope of the organization’s activity and the manner in which Archivists without Frontiers operate. A separate part of the text is devoted to the activity of securing and promoting the documentary heritage of Catalonia. Research method: The text is based on information from information bulletins (Boletín AsF) regularly published by Archivists without Frontiers and individual published articles. The source database is supplemented with information from the public sphere, such as the media or the Internet. Conclusions: The article recapitulates twenty years of the association’s activity, which from the group of local enthusiasts has evolved into a widely recognized and appreciated initiative playing an important role in the international archival cooperation.
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