Information technology revolution for the blind and visually impaired with examples on the local level
Typhlo-informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus Public Provincial Library in Toruń, Reading Centre for the Sick and Handicapped, ToruńAbstract
The aim of the article is to discuss the influence of modern information technologies for the blind and visually impaired on the work of libraries, particularly in the aspect of library collections and information services. The article explains the term ‘typhlo-informatics’ and describes the most frequently used products defined by this term. Next, the author characterizes the changes which took place in the formats of documents and the manners of making them accessible to visually impaired people. The article goes on to describe the activity of the only unit in Torun which meets the needs of the blind and visually impaired – the Reading Centre for the Sick and Handicapped of Copernicus Voivodeship Public Library. The book collections were described, taking into account changing data storage devices and the offer of services directed at the above-mentioned group. The author also stresses the difficulties which appear as a result of technological changes.References
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