Author Guidelines
1. Articles submitted to the journal should be previously unpublished manuscripts, not submitted for publication to any other publisher or institution, and should comply with the Publication Ethics of the journal. Prospective authors confirm this by signing a Declaration form (available on the journal's website), which should be sent to the editors at the time of submission.
2. Authors of papers select the Creative Commons licence(s) under which the paper and its elements will be published (see Form of CC license selection on the journal website). Authors are fully responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions for the publication of papers and their elements, especially illustrations, under the selected Creative Commons licence(s). Editors may request to see the originals to verify the author's rights to publish these materials.
3. The Author is obliged to sign (after the contribution is approved) a non-exclusive license agreement (see Licence agreement forms available on the journal's website) granting the Publisher the right to use the work in all fields of exploitation, without transferring the Author’s property rights.
4. The article has to be prepared according to the guidelines for Études et Travaux (see below) and sent to
Contributions should be in English, French or German. In principle, the length of articles, including all sections except the abstract, should not exceed 40,000 characters (including spaces). Ideally, to ensure that we can follow your concept for the article, the submission should be in both .doc/.docx and .pdf format. If you use special fonts, please provide us with the font files. All acknowledgements (if any) and funding statements should be included at the end of the main text of the article, under a separate heading. The number of figures (numbered as they appear in the text) should not exceed fifteen. Tables should be included in the number of figures, but should be numbered independently of the figures. Longer papers or papers with a higher number of figures/tables may be rejected by the Editorial Board, but the decision will be made on a case-by-case basis.
Each article should also contain:
– title and full names of all authors,
– a short abstract in English (max. 1000 characters, spaces included),
– 4-8 keywords in English,
– an English translation of the title of the article (if the original text be in a language other than English),
– the Author’s affiliation (including the official name of the institution and its locations/city, preferably in English), email address and ORCID number (recommended),
– acknowledgements (optional),
– a bibliography of all works cited (for guidelines see below),
– captions for figures/tables.
Illustrations should be supplied in an electronic form appropriate for the publication:
– colour and greyscale images (i.e. photographs) – in .jpg or .tif format – 300 (max. 600) dpi, at least in size corresponding to the intended dimensions of the final illustration (as reproduced in the publication);
– bitmaps (i.e. line drawings) – .jpg or .tif format – 600 (max. 1200) dpi, at least in size corresponding to the intended dimensions of the final illustration (as reproduced in the publication);
– vector graphics with fixed line thickness – .pdf format only. Individual elements of multi-element illustrations should be identified with lower case letters (a, b, c ...). The maximum dimensions of the illustrations (as reproduced in the publication) are 13cm (width) by 18cm (height).
CAPTIONS FOR ILLUSTRATIONS (provided in a separate file or at the end of the manuscript, after references) should include the following information:
- a brief but accurate description of what is shown (in the case of composite illustrations, a brief description of each element should be provided);
- information about the authorship, source and/or copyright holder of the illustration.
Tables should be provided in .doc/.docx format together with a short caption. The maximum width of tables is 13cm. In exceptional cases, tables may be rotated 90 degrees to maximise their width up to 18cm.
References should be given in the footnotes and follow a modified Harvard system. All works cited in the paper must be listed in the form of a bibliography at the end of the paper.
All works and sources that cannot be cited in a modified Harvard system should be introduced by abbreviations, written in italics, and expanded in the bibliography. Original sources should be cited using commonly accepted abbreviations.
Suggested system of quotation:
– one author: Name date: page(s), figure(s) etc., e.g. Szymańska 2005: 15–19, Figs 3–8, Pls 10–18;
– when more than one position is quoted in the same footnote, please separate them with a semicolon, e.g. Szymańska 2005: 15–19; Meyza, Peignard-Giros 2010: 57–60;
– one author quoted several times in the same footnote: Name date1: page(s), figure(s) etc.; date2: page(s), figure(s) etc., e.g. Meyza 2010: 57–60, Fig. 5; 2011: Pl. 7;
– several works of the same author with the same date: Name date1a: page(s), figure(s) etc.; date1b: page(s), figure(s) etc., e.g. Meyza 2010a: 57–60, Fig. 5; 2010b: Pl. 7;
– up to three authors: Name, Name date: page(s), figure(s) etc., e.g. Meyza, Peignard-Giros 2010: 57–60, Fig. 5, Pl. 7;
– different authors with the same family name: Name1 Initial(s)1 date: page(s), figure(s) etc.; Name1 Initial(s)2 date: page(s), figure(s) etc., e.g. Arnold Di. 2010: 57–60, Fig. 5; Arnold Do. 2010: Pl. 7;
– more than three authors: Name et al. date: page(s), figure(s) etc., e.g. Myśliwiec et al. 2004: 15, Pl. 9;
– the editors’ names (when no author is mentioned) should be followed with Ed./Eds in brackets Name (Ed.), date: page(s), figure(s) etc.; Name, Name (Eds) date: page(s), figure(s) etc.), e.g. Gawlikowska (Ed.) 2010: 57–60, Fig. 5; Meyza, Peignard-Giros (Eds) 2010: Pl. 7;
– paper (e.g. some exhibition catalogues) and electronic publications with no Author or Editor’s name as well as translations and/or commentaries of original source texts should be quoted in abbreviated form, expanded in the bibliography: Abbreviation date: page(s), figure(s) etc., e.g. British Museum 1912: 234; Plin. Nat. Hist. 1949: 20;
– original source texts should be quoted using universally accepted abbreviations, e.g. Plin., Nat. Hist. V, 58.
All works cited in the paper (with the exception of original source texts) must be listed at the end of the main text in the form of a reference list. All authors/editors of the work should be listed in the bibliography (even if there are more than three names).
Titles and abbreviations of series, journals, lexica etc. should normally be italicised. These abbreviations should conform to « bréviations des périodiques et collections en usage à l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale, Le Caire 2019 » by B. Mathieu ( at the best.
A separate short list developing the abbreviations universally used in the field concerned, as well as in the present article should be attached at the end of the References, e.g. for Egyptology:
Wb – Erman, A., Grapow, H., Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache, Leipzig-Berlin
Urk. – Urkunden des ägyptischen Altertums, Leipzig-Berlin
Suggested system of bibliographical entries:
Szymańska, H. 2005: Terres cuites d’Athribis, MRE 12, Turnhout
Carlye, R.M., Allen, A.L., Speece, M.A., El-Werr, A.-K., Link, C.A. 2005: Land Streamer Aided Geophysical Studies at Saqqara, Egypt, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 10/4, 371–380
Welc, F., Trzciński, J. 2013: Geology of the site, [in:] Welc, F. et al., Old Kingdom structures between the Step Pyramid complex and the Dry Moat. Part 2: Geology, anthropology, finds, conservation, Saqqara V, Ed. Myśliwiec, K., Varsovie, 323–343
Vernus, P. 1975: Athribis, [in:] LÄ I, 519–522
Plin. Nat. Hist 1949: Pliny Natural History, Preface and Books 1–2, transl. H. Rackham, Loeb Classical Library 330, Cambridge, MA-London 1949
When the Author of an internet source is known, the publication should be quoted according to the rules accepted for paper publications with the URL address and access date (in brackets) added, e.g. Bieliński, P. 2007: Mugheira/Al-Sabiyah 2007. The Kuwaiti-Polish Archaeological Project, PCMA Newsletter 2007, (accessed July 17, 2013)
Every abbreviation of an electronic source requires the URL address and access date (in brackets), e.g. British Museum: (accessed June 28, 2014)
Abbreviation of works and sources which cannot be quoted in a modified Harvard system (as e.g. some exhibition catalogues) have to be expanded in the following way: Tanis 1987: Tanis. L’or des pharaons, Paris 1987