"Royal Show" in Qohelet 2:1-11. A māšal – a Mind Exercise
https://doi.org/10.12775/BPTh.2021.018Parole chiave
royal fiction, book of Qoheleth, māšal, motivational speech, royal experimentAbstract
Much has been written on the so-called royal fiction in Qoheleth. Generally speaking, scholars agree that it is a literary fiction. However, there is no unanimity as far as the interpretation of its role in the Book is concerned. Some would claim that it expresses a hidden critique of monarchy, while others would argue that it is veiled praise of royal institutions. It is striking, though, that commentators rarely recognize the literary genre of the part concerned. The article offers a different approach to the interpretative challenge it presents. It mainly focuses on the core pericope of the royal part – Qoh 2:1–11 – determining its genre as a māšal. It is a “royal show” craftily fashioned by a brilliant teacher Qoheleth. It is meant to be a mind exercise helping the wisdom searcher to reflect upon his own mindset, goals, and expectations.
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