Seven Interesting Things about the Epilogue to Job
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the Book of Job, the Epilogue, the fortunes of Job, the wrath of Jahwe, intercessory prayer, “false naivety”Résumé
In this paper I will draw attention to seven points in Job 42:7–17 that are not usually noticed or satisfactorily explained. (1) In what way has Job spoken of Yhwh what is right? (2) Does Job know of Yhwh’s evaluation of him? (3) Why is Yhwh at risk of behaving outrageously? (4) Why should Job’s prayer here be efficacious when his prayer in chap. 1 was not? (5) When are Job’s fortunes restored? (6) What does the doubling of Job’s possessions signify? (7) Why does Job live 140 years after his dispute with Yhwh? The Epilogue will be shown to be more subtle than is generally recognized, and the writing may be another example of the “false naivety” I have argued for previously in the Prologue.
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