Paul’s understanding of syneidēsis in Rom 2,9–16
hearth, conscience, syneidēsis, circumcise, Law, sin, justification, Jesus, GospelAbstract
Exegetical analysis of unit 2,9–16 and its context (see 1,18–4,25) shows that Paul wants to give the Greek notion of “conscience” a similar meaning and function as “heart” in the biblical and Judaism tradition. He assumes that all the Jews and Greeks have sinned and therefore find themselves in the same position relative to the righteousness of God, even though possessed by ones the Law revealed while by others the natural rights. Since the Law has proved ineffective in the way of salvation of mankind that means it also lost its salvific efficacy, as evidenced by the new initiative of God's saving work carried out in the justification free for all, by virtue of the blood of Jesus Christ (3.25). Each person can be granted with this grace by profession of faith in Christ. However, to obtain the gift of peace, participate in the glory and praise of God in eternity, followers of Jesus must consistently educate their heart and conscience of the new law, that is, they must be circumcised by Gospel of Christ, the Son of God, which became the only power of God leading to salvation (1.16) . The proof of such restored by God's order of salvation is the announced judgment on the whole of humanity on the last day, which he will complete by Jesus Christ based on the Gospel.References
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