Characteristic of Spiritual Person According to ‘Homilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans’ of St. John Chrysostom
John Chrysostom, spiritual life, faith, the Holy Spirit, the fruit of the Holy Spirit, sinAbstract
The paper seeks to present the thought of Chrysostom theology and the way in which Christians are living the faith, paying special attention to the role of the Holy Spirit in shaping their life. The major issue that this study seeks to discuss is the collaboration between human aspect of existence and God's grace and answer the following question: what does it mean for a human being to live by the natural inclinations and what does it mean to live by the grace of the Holy Spirit? (por. Rz 8,8–15). To live by the natural inclinations means that one is adhering to mundane values, for instance, achieving excessive wealth or living in habitual sexual sin. To live by the Spirit means to follow the way of living which is based on joy and peace as foregoing may only be achieved when one understands the key factor of living by the Spirit, that be, the love – love for God and for people.References
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