The Origins of the Sanctuaries of Mount Ephraim and Laish/Dan in the Optics of the Earliest Biblical Sources and their (Post-)Deuteronomistic and (Post-)Priestly Reappraisal (Judg. 17:1˗18:31)
Mount Ephraim, Laish/Dan, Micah, sons of Dan, cult, Leviticus priest, the age of judgesAbstract
The description of the history of the sanctuary of Micah and the earliest history of the generational religious centre at Lajish/Dan that emerged from its cultic pattern forms the present structural framework of the first epilogue of the Book of Judges (17:1–5; 18:14–26.27–31), which also defines the origin, status and role of the Levitical priesthood in the declining phase of theocracy in Israel (17:7–13; 18:3–6.17– These strictly religious and cultic texts were combined by the successive editors of the book with traditions about the socio-military activity of the Danites, offering a folkloric reconstruction of the origins and early activities of the private place of worship at Mount Ephraim and the local religious centre at Lajish/Dan, which is unique to the entire Hebrew Bible. This site, along with Bethel and Samaria, would later constitute a lasting reference point for the religious life of the Hebrew generation inhabiting the northern areas of the kingdom of Israel.
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