God’s “Inspired and Inspiring” Word in Acts 1:15–26
inspiration, inspired, inspiring, Acts of the Apostles, interpretation, actualizationAbstract
Published in 2014, the Pontifical Biblical Commission’s document The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture mentions the “inspired and inspiring” (ispirato e ispirante) character of biblical texts. The use of this expression clearly indicates that the inspiring character of the Bible remains an essential effect of its inspiration. The aim of this article is to illustrate the above truth in light of the story of the reconstitution of the Twelve after Judas’s betrayal (Acts 1:15–26). The two scriptural references to the Old Testament’s Book of Psalms (69:25 and 109:8) found in that passage and the way in which Luke proposes to read them perfectly demonstrate not only the inspiration of the word of God, but also its inspiring character, which should not be considered solely in terms of creative inspiration or from the perspective of the reception history of the text. The Holy Spirit speaks to the Church and through the Church. A community that is open to the Spirit’s presence and power listens to the word of God and accepts it together with the interpretation that actualizes it as being true, that is, as corresponding appropriately to the intention of God who spoke it to humanity, containing dynamic content that is fully coherent with God’s demands and humankind’s aspirations, and bearing the whole newness of Christ and being capable of communicating it to believers. In this way, the word of God “breathes the Spirit” so that the community comes to know God’s will and engages lovingly in its fulfillment.
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