The Liturgical Mystagogy of Bishop Jan Bernard Szlaga. A Biblical Aspect
mystagogy, liturgy, Eucharist, Jan Bernard Szlaga, mystery, history of salvationAbstract
This article takes up the topic of liturgical mystagogy in the teaching of Bishop Jan Bernard Szlaga. Mystagogy is the introduction of participants in the liturgy to the mystery being celebrated, as well as a process of formation in Christian life based on the experience of the transforming efficacy of the salvific work of Jesus Christ. In the thought of Benedict XVI, it consists of three elements: explaining the rites from the perspective of salvation history, introduction to the meaning of the signs contained in sacred acts, and linking the meaning of the rites with Christian life. The analysis of Bishop Szlaga’s teaching on the Eucharist carried out in the article makes it possible to classify this as mystagogical teaching. Its characteristic feature is the use of biblical typology and iconic language at every stage of explaining the essence of the liturgy.
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