Angelus eius est (Act 12: 15)
The Holy Angels in St. Thomas Aquinas and Josemaría Escrivá
angels, Scripture, liturgy, Fathers, guardian angelAbstract
St. Josemaría always had a devotion to the holy angels, based not only on his personal experience but above all on Scripture, on the Fathers and on theology that runs through the centuries, both in the East and in the West. The Angelic Doctor, an undisputable authority on this subject, created a synthesis of knowledge on angels. St. Josemaría also proposed a closeness and familiarity that led us to our Creator. The presence of angels infused him with the presence of God, and that is why he always considered the guardian angel a “great accomplice”. St. Josemaría believed that the most prominent function of the angels is intimately linked to the liturgical celebration and, in a special way, to the Eucharist which he wanted to see as always surrounded by adoring angels.
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