Richard of St-Victor’s "On the Subject of Secular and Divine Writings" ("Liber exceptionum", Part I, Book II). Introduction, Translation, and Commentary
Liber exceptionum, Richard of St-Victor, Holy Bible, exegesis, allegoryAbstract
In this article, the Polish reader will find a translation of the next, initial part of an important writing by Richard of St-Victor († 1173), one of the leading representatives of the school operating in the twelfth century in St-Victor’s Abbey near Paris. The text presents the main principles guiding the Victorine school. This is the translation of the second book from the first part of his handbook, written between 1153 and 1162, entitled Liber exceptionum. The translation has been provided with a short introduction and commentaries. The text to which this publication is devoted can be called a very short course in Victorine Biblical studies.
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