The Ordination and the Exercise of the Priesthood of the Baptized in Augustine, Chrysostom, and Aquinas
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Priesthood of the Baptized, Baptism, Augustine, John Chrysostom, Thomas Aquinas, Sacrifice, Charity, Biblical ThomismAbstrakt
Whereas Augustine, Chrysostom, and Aquinas are all cited as sources for the doctrine of the priesthood of the baptized in Lumen gentium, not one left behind a treatise devoted to the topic. The author of this article provides a survey of the baptismal priesthood in the thought of the three doctors with respect to two theological concepts: (1) the Christian’s participation in the priesthood of Christ through incorporation into his Body, or their ordination, and (2) the exercise for which the baptismal priesthood is ordained, namely to worship God both in the liturgy and through a life of virtue. The author aims both to illuminate the thought of each theologian and to show the concordance of Aquinas’s thought with that of his predecessors.
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