Dzieło stworzenia w Homiliach na Księgę Rodzaju św. Jana Chryzostoma
DOI:łowa kluczowe
Jan Chryzostom, Stworzenie, Księga Rodzaju, antropocentryzmAbstrakt
The paper presents John Chrysostom’s discussion of the work of creation in his Homilies on Genesis (ed. L. Brottier, SCh 433). The analysis of his statements shows that in his considerations he tends to emphasise the hierarchy of existences and existing order in the reality which surrounds a human being. The work of creation is treated by this Antiochene as ‘catechesis’ directed to every man so he would discover God’s might and power in the magnitude and beauty of the created world. In the analysed homilies Chrysostom stresses also God’s care and kindness towards an individual. God expresses His care in ‘condescending’ and ‘adapting’ to human mentality in order to mercifully seek a man and redeem him. All analyses included in this paper lead us towards an unequivocal conclusion that in Chrysostom’s discussion of the work of creation his anthropocentrism is crucial.
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