Księga Rodzaju w Septuagincie
https://doi.org/10.12775/BPTh.2011.005Słowa kluczowe
Księga Rodzaju, Septuaginta, Grecka Biblia, techniki translacyjne w Septuagincie, syatożytne wersje Starego Testamentu, Rdz 1, Rdz 2Abstrakt
The article focuses on the presentation of the oldest known translation of the Book of Genesis, that can be found in the Greek Bible – the Septuagint. Starting from the history of the translation, through text witnesses and manuscripts of the Greek text of the Book of Genesis, it describes the nature of this translation: on the one hand very accurate and faithful – even sometimes slavishly subservient to the Hebrew text, on the other hand full of different types of changes, characteristic for the LXX translation in general. These changes, ranging from the title of the Book, in fact show the directions of the interpretation of the Book of Genesis in a time when the canon was still in statu fieri. It is even more important as the Book of Genesis was – in all probability – the first Hebrew book translated into Greek.
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