Foreign men, foreign women. Th e perception of oneself and others in the travel narrative of Nicholas von Popplau
history of mentality, history of culture, travels, travel accountAbstract
The article addresses the question of the potential use of a late-medieval travel narrative as an example of an ego-document. The basis for the discussion is an account of a trip undertaken by a man from Wrocław – Nicholas von Popplau (born about 1443)- in the years 1483-1486. The account recorded by Nicholas upon his return, probably on the basis of his notes, is considered to be one of the most interesting sources of its type. Personal elements included in the text allow us to understand a variety of aspects in Nicholas von Popplau’s perception of himself and other representatives of late-medieval Central Europe, including members of other ethnic and social groups. Analysis of the text revealed the necessity to consider von Popplau’s relationships in a wider context, taking into account late-medieval forms of selfperception. According to Eva Kormann, they may be defined as heterologicalconsisting in presenting oneself while talking about others (God, family, other members of society). It was emphasized that von Popplau applied the technique (consciously or subconsciously) using descriptions of regions and their inhabitants to show his own feelings, complexes and aspirations. The article underlines that the phenomenon of heterological self-presentation in von Popplau’s account is less visible than in most contemporary texts. There are many narrations in the first person depicting the author’s experiences and emotions. The rules of courtly manners formed in the High Middle Ages and observed until the Early Modern period marked his way of thinking and conduct. The crucial factor in shaping von Popplau’s identity was his ennoblement which took place shortly before the beginning of his journey. The trip around Europe, in accordance with the standards of a knightly expedition, was to consolidate and to confirm his new noble identity. Moreover, the way he was perceived by inhabitants of other countries was to a large extent determined by the criteria of his social status. The comparison of von Popplau’s travel account with preserved documents concerning his subsequent diplomatic mission to Moscow allows us to conclude that the text is a factual record of the perception of the entourage rather than the author’s creation aimed at satisfying the reader’s expectations. In von Popplau’s account there are clear elements regarding the perception and conceptualization of the depicted reality in ethnic categories. Nevertheless, the ethnic-territorial aspect (being German) is less important than the social factor (being a knight, a nobleman) and the religious aspect (being Catholic). The article also touches upon the manner in which von Popplau described women and his ambivalent attitude towards the male sex.
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