“Sovereign Subjects”: The Princes Ruling in the Reich and the Princes of the Reich (Reichsfürsten) as Inhabitants of the Kingdom of Bohemia in Modern Times
Bohemian Crown; Residential Right; Princes of the Holy Roman Empire; Legal HistoryAbstract
Until 1620, the Czech nobility opposed the purchase of land by members of the princely families of the Reich. After the defeat of the uprising of the Czech states in 1620 and the issuance of a renewed national decree (in 1627), the right to admit new inhabitants became one of the royal prerogatives. From the 17th to the 19th centuries, many dukes of the Reich came to Bohemia and purchased vast lands there. Some of them were princes ruling in the Reich, while many were representatives of the offspring of princely families. Also, selected Czech aristocrats were elevated to the rank of princes of the Reich, some of whom took over the estates which were directly subordinate to the emperor. This study is the first review of this issue, which may constitute the basis for detailed research. Translated by Agnieszka Chabros
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