“I Kindly Ask You to Check Whether it is Possible to Cancel Denaturalization”: A Study of Selected Cases of the Struggle of Jewish Migrants Against Being Deprived of Their German Citizenship in the Free State of Brunswick after 1933
Third Reich; national socialism; anti-Semitism; naturalization; migration; “Eastern Jews” (“Ostjuden”)Abstract
The article examines, using specific examples, the reactions of Jewish women and men who had immigrated to Braunschweig from Central and Eastern Europe to the De-naturalization Act from the early national socialist rule. It focuses on understanding the precise strategies employed by affected individuals to prevent undoing the naturalization process. On the one hand, the reference was made to the exception clauses listed in the executive regulation to the act (“special merits” and “special distinction in World War I”). Other justifications were also cited, such as a particularly difficult social situation, expected complications abroad or migration plans. Translated by Agnieszka Chabros
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