Information or manipulation? Analysis on the selected advertising examples
goals of communication, perception of communication, behavior and attitudesAbstract
Communication with the milieu is one of the key manifestations of human social life. With inventions such as print, television and the Internet, many people can be informed about an event in a very short time. Such mass communication channels are also used to spread advertising. It is worth of mentioning, that a classic advertising consists of two components: information and persuasion; the first is to reduce a lack of knowledge of a recipient, the second – to convince him to follow the appeal showed in a message. Between the two elements a balance should be.
Despite of a practical value of advertising, and sometimes even an artistic value, it is widely believed that because of advertising people have false picture of the world. The prevalence of advertising did not make people immune to persuasion and manipulation, but made them indifferent, and are not aware of its impact. Therefore, this article shows characteristics and manifestations of manipulation in advertising.References
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