Differences in the operation of archives and libraries
A report on a study of users' tutorials available on the World Wide Web
online archive tutorials, archives user trainingAbstract
A user's first visit to an archive (if it happens at all) takes place after they have had library experience, e.g. during their school education. Thus, the functioning of archives can be compared to that of libraries; after all, in the public's mind, both institutions are concerned with the collection of information media... The study, conducted in 2022 and 2023, examined virtual resources in Polish and English. Qualitative (grounded theory, action research, analysis of found data and comparative analysis) and quantitative (statistical method) methods were used, and its stages are as follows: searching for information relevant to the search instructions entered on Google's general search engine; statistical and comparative analysis of the existing data; analysis of the existing data concerning differences in the operation of archives and libraries. The focus was on identifying which institutions and how they characterize differences in terms of mission, staff, collection characteristics, collection structure, searching and accessibility. An analysis was carried out for each category separately, then holistically. The purpose of the study is practical. The data collected can serve as a starting point for the development of Polish archive users' tutorials.
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