Archiwa – Kancelarie – Zbiory

About the Journal

Archiwa – Kancelarie – Zbiory (Archives – Chanceries – Collections) has been designed to present the results of research on ancient and contemporary archives and chanceries in the countries that were part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth until the end of the eighteenth century. It is thus specially addressed to researchers who deal with the issues related to chanceries and archives of Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Germany, seen in a cultural, universal and comparative context. AKZ sees the issue of files and archival records in the context of cultural heritage in general. It views the archival resources as part of the collections gathered by people as social beings, including library and museum collections, in order to satisfy their need for evidence, memory, knowledge, ideology, or even entertainment.

ISSN print 1895-9075
ISSN online 2544-5685

Current Issue

No. 15 (17) (2024)
Friday, Dec 27, 2024

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