Zygmunt Lubicz-Zaleski (1882–1967) and his contribution to the development of the Polish Library in Paris
Zygmunt Lubicz-Zaleski, emigration, Polish Library in Paris, education, training, French-Polish co-operationAbstract
On the basis of research in the rich archives of the Polish Library in Paris (12 volumes of Professor Zygmunt Zaleski’s private and official correspondence, manuscripts and articles), the author presents the most important aspects of his activity in Paris. The Polish Library in Paris, a symbolic place for the Poles living in exile, became of utmost significance for Zaleski as it allowed him to develop co-operation not only with Polish institutions (mainly with the Polish School, the Polonia periodical, the Polish Artists’ Association, Kazimierz Woźnicki’s French-Polish Committee) but also French institutions: the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), the National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilisations (Langues O’) and the Institute for Slavonic Studies (IES), where he initiated close co-operation with the Polish Library. The cultural exchange between Polish and French institutions became official when Lubicz-Zaleski was nominated a delegate of the Polish Ministry of Religious Affairs and Public Education. The Polish Library was then transformed into a scientific institution with a status of a university for Polish and French students. The outbreak of the war put an end to this golden period in the history of the Polish Library. After the turbulences during the war period (work in the free zone of Villard de Lens, detention centre, Buchenwald concentration camp) Zaleski resumed his duties as a delegate for the ministry of Science and Higher Education (now under the aegis of the Polish government-in-exile based in London) and the secretary general for the Polish Historical and Literary Society.
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