Dialectics, Structure, Language – Lacanian “Return to Freud” in the First Half of the 1950s
https://doi.org/10.12775/szhf.2021.008Słowa kluczowe
Lacan, psychoanalysis, structuralism, Hegel, KojéveAbstrakt
The purpose of this article is to show the influence of Claude Levi-’Strauss’ structural anthropology and kojévian Hegelianism on Jacques ’Lacan’s early teaching. However, this is not just about showing the similarities between these theories, but also about how these influences defined the shape of Lacan’s theory. It turns out that the influence that kojévian Hegelianism had on Lacan is not just a theoretical curiosity, but it constitutes the essence and the aim of Lacan’s clinical practice. The final conclusion of the article is the thesis that the essence of the early period of ’Lacan’s teaching can be defined as more Hegelian than structuralist. The essence of this theory is not so much focus on Symbolic understood anthropologically, but reflection on the tension between the Universal and the Particular. In the article, I first describe the problem of the unconscious and Universality in Lèvi-’Strauss’s teaching. Subsequently, I explain how Lèvi-Strauss’ concept of the unconscious influenced Lacan’s theory. Finally, I present Hegelian aspects of Lacan’s clinical theory and ontology.
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