Epistemic Contextualism and Positional Logic
https://doi.org/10.12775/szhf.2020.019Słowa kluczowe
epistemic contextualism, positional logic, Łoś’s realisation operator, relevant alternatives, epistemic logicAbstrakt
In the late 1940s, Jerzy Łoś published two works wherein he discussed logics with the realisation operator (later called positional logics). In these works, he investigated two interpretations of this operator: temporal and epistemic. In this article, we aim to develop and modify the epistemic interpretation so as to obtain a formalisation of epistemic contextualism, one of the most significant epistemological positions in contemporary times. According to this position, the logical value of epistemic sentences depends on contextually determined epistemic standards. We will demonstrate the advantage of such formalisation over previous attempts at the logical representation of epistemic contextualism.
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