Montaigne, Lukrecjusz i Nowy Świat
Esej O pojazdach - próba interpretacji
DOI:łowa kluczowe
Montaigne, Lucretius, New World, philosophy of history, skepticism, Epicurean ethicsAbstrakt
In this article, my aim is to interpret Michel de Montaigne’s essay On Coaches, firstly, as consistent, and secondly, as deeply marked by Lucretian ideas. I analyze three contexts in which the titular ‘coaches’ are present: luxury, war, and fear of death. Furthermore, I argue that they constitute mutually interacting ‘force fields’ that should be considered in relation to each other.Following this scheme, I reconstruct the relationship between this essay and De rerum natura on three levels: 1) a discussion involving the Lucretian idea of the finite and young world; 2) a specific repetition of Lucretius’ gesture: moral evaluation imposed on a basically neutral recognition of historical change and movement; 3) the connection of vehicles as symbols of luxury with the problem of the fear of death, or the lack of courage, as a source of moral degeneration.
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