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Alexander Gerard, Estetyka brytyjska, pięknoBibliografia
Alison Archibald. 1790. Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste. Edinburgh: printed for J.J.G. and G. Robinson; London: Bell and Bradfute.
Alison Archibald. 1811. Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste, t. 1. Edinburgh: printed for Bell & Bradfute, and Arch. Constable and Co.; London: F.C. and J. Rivington, and Constable, Hunter, Park, and Hunter.
Dickie George. 1996. The Century of Taste. The Philosophical Odyssey of Taste in the Eighteenth Century. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press.
Gerard Alexander. 1780. An Essay on Taste to Which Is Now Added Part Fourth, of the Standard
of Taste. Edinburgh: J. Bell and W. Creech; London: T. Cadell.
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Guyer Paul. 2014. A History of Modern Aesthetics, t. 1: The Eighteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Jauss Steven A. 2006. „Associationism and Taste Theory in Archibald Alison’s Essays”. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 64 (4): 415–428.
Kivy Peter. 1976. The Seventh Sense. A Study of Francis Hutcheson’s Aesthetics and Its Influence in Eighteenth-Century Britain. New York: Burt Franklin & Co.
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The Scots Magazine 17 (March, 1755). Edinburgh: printed by Sand, Donaldson, Murray, and Cochran.
The Scots Magazine 20 (January, 1758). Edinburgh: printed by Sand, Donaldson, Murray, and Cochran.
Wawrzonkowski Krzysztof. 2009. Smak, geniusz, sztuka. Filozofia piękna Alexandra Gerarda w świetle estetyki kantowskiej. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK.
Wawrzonkowski Krzysztof. 2016. „Alexander Gerard’s Correction of Hume’s Standard of Taste”. Вісник НАУ. Серія: Філософія. Культурологія 1 (23): 6–11.
Wawrzonkowski Krzysztof. 2020. „Rola rozumu w koncepcji estetycznej Alexandra Gerarda”. Ruch Filozoficzny 76 (3): 249–262.
Wawrzonkowski Krzysztof. 2021. „On Archibald Alison’s Conception of Aesthetic Experience and Its Selected Sources and Inspirations”. Ruch Filozoficzny 77 (3): 35–62.
Wiley Margaret Lee. 1940. „Gerard and The Scots Societies”. Studies in English (20): 132–136.
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