Enlightenment and Social Progress – Back to the Enlightenment
https://doi.org/10.12775/szhf.2021.019Słowa kluczowe
social progress, cosmopolitanism, moral, critizenschipAbstrakt
The world today operates in a highly fragmented manner and in constant motion. The question of social progress is tempered. Morality does not determine the direction of social development and social interest. Scientific schematizing of our social reality and education is done intentionally in order to achieve maximum profits and success in the sciences, whose justification is questionable under the influence of meeting the requirements of the time. It is therefore necessary to review the issue and return to the roots of reflection on the meaning of enlightenment and progress, hence the Enlightenment. Kant and Rousseau are very specific philosophers within the Enlightenment. In many issues they are different from the other philosophers of the Enlightenment. In many ways Kant overcomes the Enlightenment and both think about the question of social progress differently from their contemporaries.
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