Klasyczna teoria retoryczna a "Interpretacja Biblii w Kościele". O przekładzie dokumentu Papieskiej Komisji Biblijnej
The paper is devoted to comparison of polish translations of the chapter I. B. 1. of a document of the Papal Biblical Commission The Interpretation of Bible in Church by bishop
K. Romaniuk (1994) and father R. Rubinkiewicz SDB (1999) to the French original from an angle of classical rhetorical terminology. A confrontation of the two translations of the
document directly with their equivalents functioning in Polish scientific literature leads to a sad conclusion that both translators have been polonizing the analysed chapter of
The Interpretation of Bible in Church most probably without reference both to the Roman theory of rhetoric, constituting a direct terminological source for the French original of
the document and to the Polish tradition of research on rhetoric, which managed to work out adequate equivalents of Latin terms.
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Liczba wyświetleń i pobrań: 429
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