International Interests of Great Britain in the Conditions of the Modern Crisis of the European Security System
DOI:łowa kluczowe
European security system, USA, NATO, EU, Russia, Ukraine, military-political conflict, Great BritainAbstrakt
Strategic approaches and interests of Great Britain in the conditions of the modern crisis of the European security system in connection with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict are analyzed in the article. The historical features of London’s policy on the subject of European integration in the field of security are discovered. The author concentrates attention on the reasons of the modern crisis of the European security system. There are revealed the forming factors and the main point of political positions of the EU, the US, NATO, and Great Britain in relation to the military-political aggression of Russia against Ukraine in 2014. The features of the European policy of the British government in the field of security and the strategic interests of Great Britain in the conditions of a renewal of the elements of bloc-civilization conflict are analyzed.Bibliografia
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