Institutions and State Authorities of the Republic of Poland Involved in Cross-Border Security
DOI:łowa kluczowe
state border, cross-border security, border control, border services, border guards, customs, veterinary, sanitary, cross-border cooperationAbstrakt
Cross-border security is part of both external and internal security of a state; hence the responsibility for it is usually divided. Similarly, the responsibility for Polish border administration is split in both subjective and objective sense. The Constitution of the Republic of Poland in art. 146 indicates that the Council of Ministers, and in particular the Minister of National Defence, the Minister competent for Internal Affairs and the Minister competent for Public Finance shall ensure external and internal security as well as public order in the state. To a lesser extent, the responsibility for state security is also shared by other ministers supervising central administration bodies that have state border protection within their scope.
In addition, very important functions directly or indirectly related to border security are carried out also by voivodes.
In the current paper, the author presents individual institutions and state bodies involved in cross-border security of the Republic of Poland, demonstrating their impact on the overall level of this security.
Act on Foreigners of 12 December 2013. (2013). OJ of 2016, item 1990.
Decision No. 416/MON of the Minister of National Defence of December 23, 2013 on the functioning of the air defence system of the Republic of Poland in time of peace and division of competences between the Chief of General Staff of the Polish Army, Operational Commander of the Armed Forces and the General
Commander of the Armed Forces in this regard. (2013). Item 372.
OJ of 2014. (2014). Items 24, 628, 424, 1165, 1199, 1662.
OJ of 2015. (2015). Item 497, 1482, 1607, 1918.
OJ of 2016. (2016). Item 50, 904, 1001, 1228, 1432, 1579, 2255.
OJ of 2017. (2017). Items 60, 2365, 2405.
OJ of 2018. (2018). Items 106, 138, 650, 730, 894, 1203, 1544.
Regulation No. 841 of the Police Commander-in-Chief of 26 July 2004 on the methods and forms of performing tasks by police officers serving on water and land. (2004).
Regulation of the Council of Ministers regarding the responsibilities of the voivode in the area of financing and maintenance of border crossings, tourist crossings, border crossing places on tourist routes and night stops at border rivers, their equipment, as well as authorities competent for embedding and maintaining border signs in sea waters of 13 December 2005. (2005). OJ No 256, item 2145.
The announcement of the Speaker of the Lower House of the Polish Parliament of 10 March 2017 regarding publication of the uniform text of the Act on State Border Protection. (2017). Warsaw; OJ of 28 March 2017, item 660.
The announcement of the Speaker of the Lower House of the Polish Parliament of 30 October 2017 regarding publication of the uniform text of the Act on Plant Protection. (2017). Warsaw; OJ of 21 November 2017, item 2138.
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