Models of Economic Space Ecologization Under the Conditions of Sustainable Development
DOI:łowa kluczowe
ecologization, economic system, sustainable consumption and production, “green growth”Abstrakt
The article concerns the problems of the global economic space in terms of its ecologization. In the conditions set by the modern concept of sustainable development, an important task is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of the process of the economic system ecologization, which is the purpose of this study. The article outlines the basic principles of the functioning and co-existence of the ecological and economic systems, presents the main models of environmental modernization of the economy (in particular, the models of sustainable consumption and production). The authors focus on the concept of “green growth” and generalize the analytical basis of the green growth strategy, in particular the necessary conditions and instruments of the state policy. Summing up, the authors highlight important and priority areas of ecologization of the economic development of society.
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