Związki terroryzmu dżihadystycznego z handlem narkotykami. Casus Hiszpanii
DOI:łowa kluczowe
jihadi terrorism, drug trafficking, criminality, security, SpainAbstrakt
Militant Islam is presumed to be an increasingly potent force in Europe. The radical ideology, which stands behind it, has been creating many challenges to the international security. Jihadi terrorism is one of the most dangerous phenomena that has threatened different Western societies and its impact on the European security is severe. To understand the challenges for the international and regional security it is necessary to analyze the financing of terrorism: legal and illegal activities that provide financial support for extremist organizations or individual terrorists. The article explores the link between jihadi terrorism and organised crime, especially when it comes to drug trafficking in Europe (Spain) and in Maghreb. It focuses on the character of the symbiotic relationship between organized and common crime groups and the jihadi network. The paper examines the security threats and some important issues of counter-terrorism strategy.Bibliografia
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