Niemieccy korespondenci zagraniczni w III RP i ich postrzeganie Polski
DOI:łowa kluczowe
Piotr Zariczny, Polska, Niemcy, III RPAbstrakt
German foreign correspondents in the III Republic of Poland and their perception of Poland
The purpose of this article is to present the German newspaper foreign correspondents, who are active participants in the German discourse about Poland and the Poles, and thus significantly affect the formation of the image of Polish in Germany, after the accession of Poland to the EU. This study was based on the results of analysis of contemporary German ąuality press and past performance of selected German press study, research on the management of information in the relations media-policy and the role of the foreign correspondent in the modern world. The analysis was based the issue of ąuality daily newspapers supra FAZ, SZ, TAZ and influential weeklies „Zeit”, „Der Spiegel”, „Focus” in the years 2004-2010. In the first part of the analysis provides generał information on the role and activities of German foreign correspondents and media market in Germany. In the second part was a detailed characterization of selected press correspondents, and a third of the work that is presented by the Polish image of them in the press, after 2004. To conclude that politically, economically and culturally confluent Europę turns out to be a sphere, in which the public space function in both highly visible and durable ineąualities and patterns of perception as well as the newly emerging and discovered similarities and symmetries. Relevat place of the settlementof their differences and similarities is the language which, through strategically targeted and subconsciously transported discourses centered primarily in Western Europę the print media world is reflected. The role of foreign correspondents here is not to be underestimated.
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