Forms of Government and Typology of Political Regimes in Ukrainian Socialist-Oriented Political Theory of Western Ukraine in the Interwar Period of the 20th Century
DOI:łowa kluczowe
state, socialism, political opinion, political regime, distribution of powerAbstrakt
Persuasion of theorists of Ukrainian political opinion of Western Ukraine, publications and position papers of socialistic aspiration parties for the purpose the analysis of forms and institutional bases of the state are investigated. The input of the Ukrainian thinkers-socialists in the range of problems of classification of the political regimes and determination of their signs are analysed. The scientific contribution of theorists of Ukrainian political opinion of socialistic aspiration out to research of forms state government, principle of distribution of power and system of inhibitions and counterbalances between its branches, state-political institutions of the country, parliament and government, problems of rights and freedoms of a person, electoral process, and local selfgovernment leaders are found out. Political priorities of scientists and ideologists of Ukrainian organized socialism are investigated, their constructions of process are exposed.
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