Nieznane starodruki ulotne w bibliotece Archiwum Państwowego w Toruniu
old prints, libraries, state archives, TorunAbstract
The article contains a catalogue of a collection of 27 jobbing old prints, which were found in the library of the State Archive in Toruń. They constitute a kind of supplement to the work on old prints in this institution, which allows a larger group of users to reach less known library collections. The publication of this catalogue of old prints is deliberate because it contains items that are unknown, unique, and often found only in a few European libraries in Germany or Sweden. The first part of the article briefly discusses the most interesting copies, which include dissertations on theological issues (demonology), philosophical and historical themes, along with rhetorical and political works dealing with the situation of Toruń’s society in the 18th century. Printed contracts, documents and privileges constitute an interesting group relating to the dispute between the brewers' guild and the city council of Gdańsk at the end of the 17th century, whose conciliator was King Jan III Sobieski. The discussed collection also includes printed documents – announcements of the city hall of Toruń of the 18th century, which are valuable sources for the history of Toruń during its crisis.
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