Catalogue of medieval manuscripts of the University Library in Toruń, ed. Marta Czyżak, with the cooperation of Monika Jakubek-Raczkowska, Arkadiusz Wagner
catalogue, manuscripts, medieval collections, University Library in Toruń, State and University Library in Königsberg, protected collectionsAbstract
The author critically discusses the latest catalogue of the collections of the University Library in Toruń devoted to medieval manuscripts. The catalogue of medieval manuscripts of the University Library in Toruń was developed by the Toruń medievalist Marta Czyżak. The author of the article emphasizes the research significance of this publication, presenting the findings of historical and codicological examination carried out specifically for the purposes of the creation of the Catalogue. The high value of cognitive work is determined by the description of each manuscript in cooperation with specialists in related fields: the historian of art Monika Jakubek-Raczkowska and the researcher of the bookbinding and proprietor’s characters of Arkadiusz Wagner. The author of the discussion presents the cognitive values of the Catalogue, which she evaluates very highly providing information about the circumstances of its creation.References
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