Prosfonesis by Adam Tobolski to Franciszek Tidicaeus of 1608
"Prosfonesis", Adam Tobolski Franciszek, TidicaeusAbstract
Tidicaeus Franciszek, Carmina gratulatoria in nuptias Adami Thobolii et Annae Andreae Theodorici filiae, scripta ab amicis, Thorunii... Anno 1593, Biblioteka Jagiellońska, sygn. Cim. Qu. 5494.
Tidicaeus Franciszek, Carmina gratulatoria in nuptias Adami Thobolii et Annae Andreae Theodorici filiae, scripta ab amicis, Thorunii... Anno 1593, Biblioteka Czartoryskich, sygn. Cim. 66/III.
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