Expression of opinion through Acts. A brief analysis of the Hungarian Constitutional Courts practice
The aim of the article is to present how one can excercise their freedom of expression through acts. I focus ont the decisions of the Hungarian Constitutional Court, the European Court of Human Rights and the U. S. Supreme court. I analyze these decisions, and compare the fundamental rights that can collide, such as freedom of expression versus the right to property, which one should prevail when they come into collision. I also study how one can decide, whether the act should fall within the protected circle of the freedom of expression, or it should be penalized as a crime, or misdemeanor.
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Decisions of the Hungarian Constitutional Constitutional Court, the European Court of Human Rights and the United States Supreme Court: 7/2014 (III.1.) AB; 1/2019 (II.13.) AB; 14/2019 (III.17.) AB; 3089/2019 (IV.26.) AB
European Court of Human Rights, Murat Vural v. Turkey, Application No. 9540/07 – October 25, 2014
United States Supreme Court, Spence v. Washington, 418. U. S. 405. No. 72-1690, Argued January 9, 1974 – June 25, 1974
Bán Tamás: Freedom of expression of opinion in Eurpoean human rights conventions. Magyar Jog, 1994/7
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Dworkin, Ronald: Taking rights seriously. Cambridge, Massachusettes, Harvard University Press, 1977.
Koltay András: Bases of freedom of speech – Hungarian, English, American and European comparison. Budapest, Századvég Kiadó, 2009
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Mill, John Stuart: On Liberty
Milton, John: Areopagitica. In John Milton: Areopagitica and other political writings. Indianapolis, Liberty Fund, 1999.
Pákozdy Csaba: Freedom of expression and inernational law, with regard to the practice of the ECHR. PhD-disszertáció. Miskolc, 2006.
Török Bernát Ferenc: The Hungarian doctrine of free speech in light of American legal literature. Doktori (PhD) értekezés. Szeged, 2018.
Török Bernát Ferenc: Speaking freely in democracy. The Hungarian doctrine of free speech in light of American legal literature. HVG-ORAC Lap- és Könyvkiadó Kft., Budapest, 2018.
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