human trafficking, Europe, security, crime, international organizationsAbstract
Human trafficking is a constant challenge to the security of states and international communities. Despite the official abolition of slavery in many countries in the 20th century and by the League of Nations in 1926, this problem has not been resolved; nay, it has been intensifying thanks to new communication technologies and means of transport. The aim of this article is to present the issue of trafficking of human beings in Europe in the context of international security and with special attention paid to security in Europe, as well as personal security of victims. The paper offers the definition of human trafficking and reviews international documents concerning human trafficking. Moreover, the purposes of human trafficking, profile of victims and scale of that phenomenon in Europe is described. Finally, the similarities and differences of that dirty business in Europe are compared with other regions of the world. What is also investigated is the profile of this crime and the policy of some European countries facing a modern slavery problem. The paper adduces the latest reports edited by the international organizations specializing in trafficking of human beings from a legal, research-related, theoretical and practical side.References
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