higher education, cooperation, quality assurance, socio-economic environmentAbstract
Purpose: Verification of the models of cooperation between entities in the higher education sector and representatives of the socio-economic environment.
Methodology/approach: As a part of the conducted research, 100 randomly selected reports of the Polish Accreditation Committee were analyzed in the context of the assessment of criterion 6 regarding cooperation with the socio-economic environment in the process of educating students, considering public and private entities. A desk research analysis was also conducted to attempt to verify the impact of the internationalization aspect on the level of cooperation between representatives of the world of science and business.
Findings: Different types of Polish universities cooperate with the socio-economic environment to a different extent. Public universities care less about cooperation with the socio-economic environment than non-public universities.
Originality/value: The topics discussed in this paper allow to fill the research gap related to the impact of cooperation with the socio-economic environment on the quality assurance both in the national and European context. Recommendations presented by the authors can be implemented both in Polish and European universities as signposts aimed at improving the quality and intensity of cooperation with the socio-economic environment.
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