Bookbinding art Wiener Werkstätte as an implementation of the idea of the Arts and Crafts movement in European culture of the 20th century book (on the example of Max Morgenstern's book collection)
Arts and Craft, book culture, Max Morgenstern, bookbinding art, Wiener WerktätteAbstract
On the basis of European culture, the Vienna Workshops are one of the best-known examples of implementing the assumptions of the Arts and Crafts movement created in the 19th century. The activities undertaken by the artists associated with the Workshops have significantly contributed to the development of book art, especially the decoration of binding. While creating them, manual methods were returned, using the involvement of the best craftsmen - bookbinders or goldsmiths. Due to the significant impact of the Workshops' activities on the book culture in Europe and the artistic value of their design binding, which is still valued today, this issue is discussed in the article based on the Max Morgenstern collection. The history of the creation of the Vienna Workshop was outlined, with particular emphasis on the bookbinding workshop, and the biography of M. Morgenstern, one of the best workshop customers. However, the main part of the article is to discuss the artistic solutions used in the design of the luminaires and show their application on the example of the collection in question. Issues of authorship and the specificity of materials that artists and craftsmen used in the Vienna Workshops will also be addressed.References
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