Work of the Parisian Wotton’s Binder «C» from 1564 in the Collection of the Gdańsk Library of Polish Academy of Sciences*
bookbinding in France, Czirenberg (Zierenberg) Daniel, Gdańsk Library of Polish Academy of Sciences, mannerism, orientalism, Wotton’s Binder «C»Abstract
The present authors have conducted an analysis of one of the relics of modern Western European bookbinding found in the collections of the Gdańsk Library of Polish Academy of Sciences: the so far unidentified binding of Wotton’s Binder «C», acting in Paris between the 1540s and at least the year 1564. The work has a characteristic orientalised decoration, which fits in with the trends of the French bookbinding ornamentation from 2. half of XVIth C. Its composition was based on centre moorish-ribbon medallions, corner quarter-medallions and adornments of the à semé type. A book clothed in this cover was first located in the collections of a certain Ioannes and later in the collections of a bibliophile from Gdańsk, Daniel Czirenberg (Zierenberg).References
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