The Drawings of The Wilanow Collection of the Potocki Family in the National Library in Warsaw, Organisation, Album Structure and Condition
drawing albums, drawing collections18th–19th cent., preservation drawings, Wilanów collectionsAbstract
Among the graphic collection of the Polish National Library's in Warsaw stands out “Wilanów Collection”, a part of Wilanów Library holdings, which were given to the National Library in 1932. It is noteworthy because of the substantive content, as well as a distinctive mounting manner. Collection was founded in the second half of 18th century by Stanislaw Kostka Potocki (1755–1821). It consists of drawings and prints. The core of drawings collection is connected with Stanislaw Kostka Potocki himself, and contains many architectural drawings – by S.K. Potocki and architects as Vinceno Brenna, Chrystian Piotr Aigner and Szymon Bogumil Zug. There are also works by artists contemporary with Potocki, for example Jacob Philipp Hackert, Carl Labruzzi, Jean Pierre Norblin and Zygmunt Vogel. The group called Rastrelli assemblage is connected with brother of S.K. Potocki – Ignatius, and contained architectural plans of this architect. Some but not many other drawings were assembled by Stanisław Potocki son Aleksander.
Prints and drawings are grouped within albums of paper covers, with embossed edges, and handwritten titles on paper labels. The mounting in albums was ordered by Stanisław’s son Alexander in first half of 19th century.
A collection survived to our time in relatively good condition. The present study will be concerned on organisation of the collection, construction of the albums and condition assessment of the collection as a whole.
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