Zygfryd Gardzielewski – Torun creator of culture. The prospects for the popularization of the artist's legacy typographer
culture, popularization, typography, Zygfryd GardzielewskiAbstract
The article discusses the prospects for popularizing the heritage of Torun artist typographer. Briefly outlined the current situation in which Poland is typography, its development, its needs and perceptions, favors taking such action. There have been also reviewed the status of popularizing initiatives connected with the person and achievements of Siegfried Gardzielewski in the region that are as - unfortunately - very modestly, but about what it is worth mentioning even by virtue of a summary of last year celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of Torun typographer. Proposed in the article popularizing ideas do not exhaust all possibilities, but set certain basic directions, they highlight the value of a new brand for Torun and the region. They point to its great potential, but also make clear how much is to be done at the level of distribution abandoned the idea of heritage that was about it expanded dimension of Polish culture in the public's mind, not only in our region.
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